
Take Me Back

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Scrapbooking can be a daunting pastime. Not only is it time consuming and expensive, but the expectation of documenting every moment is overwhelming. As I look at the stack of photos I have printed {and think of the hundreds more that are still waiting in their digital format} I wonder how I will ever get caught up. It can be discouraging to think of all the time required to preserve one page of memories when I am hardly skimming the surface of my photo collection.

However, all of my feelings of discouragement fell away when Wyet found a few of the old scrapbooks I had made him from years past. Looking through photos of our younger selves has been one of the most remarkable trips down memory lane. As we have looked through these old scrapbooks, I feel so thankful that my 14 year old self had the desire to document those moments. Were it not for these albums, certain memories from the past would be all but forgotten.

Summer 2005
The first time I went with Wyet to the Heber Derby {9 years later and we still go every year}
Summer 2005
Boondocks 2005
We always spent our weekend mornings at One Man Band - Matye and Wyet - Summer 2004
Summer 2004 - This is one of my favorite pictures! My little brothers are still so little and our pup Ollie was happy as ever
Our first summer of love. We are so young and so consumed with each other, and although we still don't take kissing pictures together I am happy to say we are still just as in love now as we were then - Summer 2004

1 comment:

  1. The HUGE scrapbook you made me for my birthday is seriously one of the most treasured things I have of my junior high! I cherish that thing! It took so much time and energy, and it means the world to me, I can't believe you are still being so patient and making more. Thanks for cherishing moments girl. Both me and Wyet have both been blessed by it, clearly. I couldn't have asked for a better friend back then.


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