
Baked Goods

Sunday, June 2, 2013

It's no big secret that I'm not the cook in our house. Perhaps if I put in some honest effort and tried a little harder, I might actually be able to pull off a meal every now and again. The problem is, I'm not even motivated to try. Wyet is such an incredible culinary genius that I feel like it is out of my league to even give it a go. {I'm off the hook.} However, the problem is that Wyet doesn't like sweets. Which I totally don't get. So if I want a sweet, dessert or pastry of any kind, I'm on my own.

Tonight I decided to bake some banana bread. For some reason, I don't feel as guilty about eating baked goods if it has some sort of fruit in it. {That makes it healthier, right?} I found this awesome recipe on You can access the link here. I made a few adaptations which I will list below. The bread and muffins taste incredible and the scent reminds me of childhood. Oh, how I wish everyday were Sunday.

Original Recipe by Shelley Albeluhn
Adapted Recipe:
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tbs. cinnamon powder
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1/2 cup coconut oil
3/4 cup brown sugar
5 overripe bananas
2 eggs

Combine all of the dry ingredients together and all of the moist ingredients together before combining the two mixtures. Bake on 350 for about 45 minutes. Enjoy a delightful piece of banana bread along side a hot chai tea.


  1. oooh, looks yummmy. Did ya bake all day?

  2. Sharon! Not even! I decided around 6:00 that I needed a treat, and these were done by 7:30. So yummy!

  3. Let's bake muffins when I finally come to your house and sit on your cute porch!


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