I could hardly believe it when 2014 came to a close. The year, although filled with memorable moments, felt like it jetted by without notice. Needless to say I was in even more awe to wake up last week and find that the first month of the new year was already behind me. As each day is consumed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, I realize I have not been making time to focus on aspects of the bigger picture.
While daily life is where our most cherished moments stem from, there are great plans I have intended for the coming months, and I need to set aside time to make them come alive. Despite how busy my daily schedule becomes, I need to remember there are other things that deserve my attention. By making time to focus some of my energy towards the future, I know great things are to come.
Here is a quick recap on my life as of late:
Watching: The Peaky Blinders series on Netflix and obsessing over it
Reading: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - Wyet bought me this book for Christmas, and I am loving it. I always appreciate when someone gifts me a book because it encourages me to read something out of my comfort zone; something I would not have bought on my own.
Making: Major changes at work. My entire department has restructured creating a lot of {positive} change.
Grateful: That our plumbing is fixed! Every winter it goes on the fritz and is such a pain.
Feeling: Ready for the next big step
Buying: Every single book that catches my eye at Barnes & Noble. I bought six books in a seven day span!
Drinking: A peach ale
Snuggling: Murphy, as always
We started our new year off right by sleeping in and then having a brunch date. |
Only days after the new year began, I was off to the annual Craft and Hobby show in California. |
There were so many inspiring ideas at this years show! |
While the show is always fun, I was definitely starting to miss my little family! |
Later in the month, we went and saw the Ice Castles in Midway. They were absolutely stunning {and freezing}! |
One of my goals this year is to make more time for the people that really matter. |
His first Zupas experience, and he seems to be on board! |
This is the best way to end any night. |