Here is what is happening in my life this March, and I have a feeling, things are only going up from here.
- Things I Love About March: It finally feels like spring is around the corner, and my wind chimes are constantly singing!
- People I Need to Thank: An impossible task - so many people have contributed so much good to my life.
- Best Motivational Quote: Stay Gold - Recently discovered from The Outsiders meaning to stay true to yourself, don't let life beat you down.
- Favorite Flowers: Gerber Daisies, Tulips, and a whole bunch that I don't know the names of.
- My Commitments This Month: To drink 70 ounces of water a day
- Favorite Restaurants: Zupas, always, but Station 22 sounds amazing right now.
- Things to Tell My Younger Myself: These mistakes you keep making - it's ok! You are learning a lot about the type of person you want to be.
- Favorite Craft Supplies: Alpha and phrase stickers
- Things I Should Donate: Clothes! {Feeling proud that Wyet and I went through our closet today and came up with two full bags to take to the D.I.}
- Improvements I Need to Make: I need to accept that cardio is not fun and figure out a way to push myself to do it.
- What I Want to Learn This Year: I'd like to give cross-stitching another shot! I used to do it with my Grandma Carter, and I loved it.
- Creative People I Know: Wyet, Sharon and Karen, Morg, Patye & my mom
- Things I Spend Too Much Time On: Scrapbooking and deciding what sounds good for dinner.
- Favorite Books: I just barely finished The Outsiders this afternoon, and I am considering starting it over again. I don't know how I made it this long in life without reading it.
- Things I'm Judgmental About: The way others lead their lives {really, it's none of my business!}
- Things I Love: Dogs, plants, books, naps, tea and cake {preferably lemon flavored}
- Favorite Memories with My Grandparents: There are so many. I loved going to my Grandma and Grandpa Fillmore's house during summer break. My grandma would take me swimming at their country club and to the city library. My Grandpa Carter always took us for walks to Orem High to play on the football field and helped us climb the huge trees in his front yard. My Grandma and Grandpa Carter also never missed a dance recital. They were always there.
- Things I Love About My Friends: I love having people in my life that are so easy to talk to. I am not one for getting together often with friends, but I love that when I do it is as though no time as passed between us.
- A Habit I Need to Break: I probably don't need to have a cocktail every weekend..
- My Netflix Queue: Better Call Saul, Fuller House and anxiously awaiting the next season of Peaky Blinders
- My Best Qualities: I like to think I am a good conversationalist.
- Books I Have Always Wanted to Read {but likely won't}: Moby Dick
- Things I'm Grateful For: Having a good job that allows me to be independent.
- Random Acts of Kindness to Commit: Letting people know how appreciative I am of them. Many times I think these thoughts without ever letting others know.
- Favorite Designs: Floral
- Ways to be My Best Self: Get lots of sleep and spend some time alone {that makes me feel the most refreshed}
- Favorite Things About Easter: Coloring eggs with Wyet and putting together Easter baskets.
- Favorite Produce: Raspberries, green apples and avocados
- Bands I Want to See: It would be fun to see a band I loved as a child, like The Spice Girls!
- Things That Keep Me Up at Night: Scary movies
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Enjoying some of my favorite things: reading in the hammock with Wyet and the pups. I needed a blanket because even though the sun is finally shining, let's face it, spring has not officially sprung. |